Houston, Texas, March 10, 2022/ Lithified Technologies Texas (“LTTX”) (www.lithtectx.com) announced the official testing of LithTecTM by a TxDOT certified lab.
LithTecTM has been formulated for a specific set of road base chosen by a TxDOT sanctioned lab for testing. LTTX has worked for many months to create the opportunity to have LithTecTM tested and reviewed by a TxDOT lab and is pleased to announce that the testing procedures are officially under way. Samples of the chosen road base material were sent to the Lithified Technologies US lab in Santa Fe, NM. LTUS created the specific dry blend of LithTecTM from those samples and shipped the product back to the TxDOT sanctioned lab near Austin, Texas. LTTX is now awaiting the lab’s final results and report.
The LTTX management team stated, “TxDOT’s acceptance of LithTecTM is crucial to our ability to market the product in Texas. Most counties and cities in Texas follow TxDOT standards for their approval process. This step to have a lab create reports that TxDOT will sanction and publish on their website is a massive step forward for LTTX and our investors.”
LTTX owns the exclusive, perpetual license in Texas to market LithTecTM, a proprietary high performance road base treatment product. There are more than 680,000 miles of roads in Texas, more than twice the number of miles than the next closest state in the United States. LTTX has plans to expand to at least five other states in the near future.
LTTX will release additional information during the coming months as the lab completes its testing and produces reports and findings.
About Lithified Technologies Texas
Lithified Technologies Texas acquired the exclusive, perpetual license to distribute LithTecTM in Texas in 2021. The company chose Texas as its starting point because of the significant number of paved miles of road in the state. Roads typically fail when the base layer erodes due to heavy truck traffic, water intrusion, and freeze thaw cycles. The LithTecTM proprietary product solves all three challenges at a reduced cost. Traditional road base “stabilizers” fail when attempting to glue the road base materials together. LithTecTM transforms the base into stone and binds the materials at the molecular level, creating a high performing structural member of the road design with more flexibility and ductility than asphalt. The improved performance of LithTecTM has been documented by independent third parties including Los Alamos National Laboratory, State Departments of Transportation, and independent engineers.
Please visit www.lithtectx.com
For more information, please contact:
Lithified Technologies Texas
Roy Mullin
Email: [email protected]