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What is LithTec™?

LithTec™ is a combination of high performance, premium components with traditional cementitious elements. When mixed with native soils and recycled roadway material, LithTec™ creates unprecedented strength and resiliency in road foundations.

What is the typical dosage of LithTec™ in a road base?

Since we are a custom solution, every dosage is project dependent. Our average dosage for a treated road base is about 3%, typically half the dosage of a Cement Treated Base (CTB) which are usually 5%-6% or higher. Half the dosage means half the amount of product to be transported, resulting in significantly reduced CO2 emissions.

Is LithTec™ safe for the environment?

LithTec is environmentally friendly, meaning, it is composed of naturally occurring compounds and minerals. Our product does not leach any harmful chemicals into the surrounding environment. This is a major part of our Uranium capping application as LithTec™ remains bound, preventing any treated materials from leaching. LithTec™passed U.S. EPA TCLP and SPLP tests – Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Procedure Test 1311 & 1312.

How long does it take for a LithTec™ base to cure?

With LithTec™, “Accelerated Lithification” takes between 24-48 hours.

Does LithTec™ work for new construction?

Yes, LithTec™ is a great option for new construction. Depending on the mix design and performance requirements, we can create a reduced pavement design, requiring less import of base material and surface courses. We work well with new materials, as well as recycled materials.

How is LithTec™ applied?

The application process for LithTec is practically identical to the practices already in place in road construction. LithTec is applied using a pneumatic spreader truck at a rate predetermined by engineers. It is then brought to optimum moisture content using a metered water truck. We achieve our specified density using a sheep’s foot or pad foot compactor. The base is then rolled and graded to the desired shape.